A Bit of History About Spanish Missions and Winemaking
Wine-making in the Spanish Missions of the 18th century was necessary for multiple reasons: Wine was necessary for the celebration of the Roman Catholic mass. It is specifically called for in the ceremony and the only acceptable substitute, under extraordinary conditions, is grape juice. Also, wine was the table beverage of the padres. Brandy was also consumed but in much smaller quantities since it required wine to be distilled. Mission San Juan Capistrano may have been the first mission to grow grapes.
Early Spanish Missions with vineyards also included Mission San Gabriel, and Mission San Diego. These locales, along with Mission San Juan Capistrano are widely believed to be where the variety called Mission Grapes originated. The Mission grape is still grown in California to this day.
Introducing the New Viña Madre Wind Bell
Large bells make large sounds, and the Viña Madre (Mother Vineyard) wind bell makes that point beautifully with its resounding and deep resonant ring. This modern mission style bell is by far our largest wind bell to date, measuring 32 inches from the top of the hanging chain to the bottom of the sail. The height and width of the bell body is 14 inches and 4 inches respectively. The bell features our signature grape motif with intricate details on the bell’s surface that find their inspiration from grapes on the vine. The rich color is called Grape Royale. The bevel at the bottom of the windbell body adds a contemporary accent to the rustic design.